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There is no Ashtanga Mysore class on the following days:​


Monday, January 13th full moon
Wednesday, January 29th new moon


Wednesday, February 12th full moon
Monday 24th, February - Thursday 27th, February members only 
DIY Ashtanga Mysore

Friday, February 28th new moon


Friday, March 14th full moon

Thursday, March 20th spring equinox 108 sun salutations 07:00 - 09:00
Saturday, March 29th new moon


Sunday, April 13th full moon
Sunday, April 27th new moon


Monday, May 12th full moon
Tuesday, May 27th new moon


Wednesday, June 11th full moon

Saturday, June 21st summer solstice
Wednesday, June 25th new moon


Thursday, July 10th full moon
Thursday, July 24th new moon


Saturday, August 09th full moon
Saturday, August 23rd new moon


Sunday, September 07th full moon
Sunday, September 21st new moon

Monday, September 22nd autumn equinox 108 sun salutations 07:00 - 09:00


Monday 29th, September - Thursday 02nd, October members only DIY Ashtanga Mysore


Tuesday, October 07th full moon
Tuesday, October 21st new moon


Wednesday, November 05th full moon
Thursday, November 20th new moon


Friday, December 05th full moon 
Saturday, December 20th new moon 

Sunday, December 21st winter solstice shala closed


Thursday, December 25th first Christmas day shala closed

Friday, December 26th second Christmas day shala closed

Saturday, December 27th shala closed



Thursday, January 01 2026 shala closed

Friday, January 02 2026 shala reopens


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